Respect The Power

The Power of the "NO"

"We can not succeed when half of us held back."-Malala Yousafzai
"Just because I move through a public scpace does not mean that my body is a public space."-unknown
"You can compliment me by respecting me"-unknown
"1 in 3 woman ages 18 to 34 has been sexually harassed at work."

Who We Are

Hi, we are four girls who met through the
Girls Who Code Summer Immersion
Program. We wanted to design a website
that can impact the world. As women
we understand that sexual harassment
unfortunately is a prominent issue.
Using our coding skills we created a site
to bring people together who may be facing
this issue. Below are all of our Linkedlns

Margaret Joseph
Jessie Choucrallah
Serena Ulammandakh
Mariam Gilani